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Everything You Want To Know About Your Pet

Nasal Discharge in Cats: Why Does My Cat Have a Runny Nose?

Nasal Discharge in Cats: Why Does My Cat Have a Runny Nose?

My cat has a runny nose! Learn the most common causes of nasal discharge in cats, how to help, and when to call the vet.Read more

Is Salt Bad for Dogs’ Paws? The Dangers of Ice Melts

Is Salt Bad for Dogs’ Paws? The Dangers of Ice Melts

Discover the Impact of Salt on Your Dog's Paws. Learn how salt can affect your furry friend's delicate paws and find practical tips to protect them this winter. Explore the expert insights on salt's dangers and safe paw care for dogs.Read more

Dog Rash: Common Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

Dog Rash: Common Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

Rashes and other skin ailments can be caused by a variety of things, including allergies, parasites, underlying medical conditions, and even behavioral issues like boredom or stress. For the best treatment, it’s helpful to determine what caused the rash in the first place. Here are some important things to know about dog rashes.Read more

Anesthesia FAQ with Dr. Gaby Fadl

Anesthesia FAQ with Dr. Gaby Fadl

Just like in human medicine, the administration of anesthesia in veterinary practice is often necessary to perform various surgical interventions, from routine spaying and neutering to complex operations, with minimal pain and stress for the animals. We chatted with Dr. Fadl, Senior Director of Medical Programs, to answer your most burning questions about “going under” to help you understand our safety precautions.Read more