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Everything You Want To Know About Your Pet

Puppy Development: When Does a Puppy Become a Dog?

Puppy Development: When Does a Puppy Become a Dog?

But, as we know, all puppies grow up. Here's what to expect during your new puppy's development and tips on how to best nurture healthy growth and development.Read more

Spaying Your Pet: What to Expect

Spaying Your Pet: What to Expect

Wondering whether your dog or cat should be spayed? It’s best to talk to your veterinarian directly regarding your pet’s individual needs — but in… Read more

How to Make Bathtime More Enjoyable

How to Make Bathtime More Enjoyable

Baths can be a strange and uncomfortable experience for pets who aren’t used to bathing. (That’s especially true for cats, most of whom don’t like… Read more

Tips for Quarantining With Pets

Tips for Quarantining With Pets

Well, this was quite unexpected turn of events. Luckily, a dog or cat makes for the ideal quarantine mate — a snuggly, loving animal who'll provide endless joy. Read more