Everything You Want To Know About Your Pet

Top Pet Toxins to Avoid
Cats and dogs are curious animals, and they tend to explore their surroundings by sniffing, chewing, licking, and ingesting anything they come across. Unfortunately, many of the things they find can be harmful, and sometimes deadly. Here are the top toxins that pet parents should be aware of.Read more

Fun Facts About the Dog Sense of Smell
Did you know that dogs have as many as 3,000 olfactory receptors in their nose? Here's how the dog sense of smell works and why he sniffs everything.Read more

What To Do When Your Dog Won’t Poop
Monitoring your dog’s movements (so to speak) can help you quickly recognize if and when something is off. Small adjustments to their bathroom habits can be harmless too, but it’s important to catch any abnormal changes that may signal illness.Read more

International Travel Certificates at Bond Vet
If you're planning to travel internationally with your pet, it's important to be aware of the specific requirements and regulations that apply to your destination. Bond Vet is here to help.Read more